Homeopathic Pick Up Drops for Energy, 30 Lozenges
Homeopathic Pick Up Drops for Energy, 30 Lozenges  Homeopathic Pick Up Drops for Energy, 30 Lozenges  Homeopathic Pick Up Drops for Energy, 30 Lozenges  Homeopathic Pick Up Drops for Energy, 30 Lozenges 

Homeopathic Pick Up Drops for Energy, 30 Lozenges

Ex Tax: $4.37
Product Code: KHFM00404848
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Product Description

Pick Up Drops re-energize the body when it is fatigued from coping with stress or susceptibility to the first signs of a cold. Aconite is a key ingredient in this homeopathic formulation that helps generate heat to protect the body from loss of energy. Pick Up Drops provide support when feeling run-down, chilled, over-worked, or during seasonal changes and travel. These tangerine lozenges are vegan and gluten-free.